Saturday, March 10, 2018

Saturday's Headlines: On North Korea, the world sees Trump acting as his own diplomat, negotiator and strategist

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
On North Korea, the world sees Trump acting as his own diplomat, negotiator and strategist
"The art of the teaser": Trump's stunning announcement that he'll meet with Kim Jong Un set diplomats, and his own White House staff, scrambling to react.
White House sends mixed messages on talks with North Korea
After criticism of Trump's quick decision to meet with Kim Jong Un, the administration demanded "concrete actions" from Pyongyang before the meeting.
Only two people have met both Trump and Kim Jong Un. One is Dennis Rodman.
The former NBA player has made several trips to North Korea since 2013.
In a personal letter, Trump invited Putin to the 2013 Miss Universe pageant
It is unclear whether the note was delivered to the Russian president — and if so, whether Putin responded. It has been turned over to investigators probing Russia's interference in the 2016 campaign.
A top U.S. diplomat in Latin America leaves in protest, swelling an exodus
John Feeley, who resigned as ambassador to Panama, has come to symbolize a string of departing disillusioned diplomats. The diplomatic corps with experience in the Americas has been particularly hard hit by all the departures.
Trump's tariffs are both threatening and familiar in steel hub of Germany's once-communist east
As much as the president's new trade policy has fueled anxiety in Eisenhüttenstadt, it also has stirred empathy. Among some current and former workers, there's hunger for a government that protects them the way the old East German government used to — and the way they see Trump trying to do for U.S. workers.
Three hostages, gunman found dead after hours-long standoff in Calif. at largest veterans home in U.S.
Several hours after a hostage situation began in Yountville, Calif., at a home for 1,000 elderly or disabled veterans, law enforcement personnel found the suspect and all of his hostages dead Friday night.
I covered steel 26 years ago. Trump's solution didn't work then and won't now.
 I don't care if Trump had an affair. I care about the hush money.
I would've aborted a fetus with Down syndome. Women need that right.
Are unions still relevant? The Pennsylvania election will tell us.
The military keeps encountering UFOs. Why doesn't the Pentagon care?
Trump is right to negotiate with North Korea. But he needs a plan.
More News
Pentagon planning to give Trump the military parade he wanted — without the tanks
A Pentagon memo shows that planning is underway for a parade on Veterans Day. To minimize damage to Washington's streets, it will include a "heavy air component" and wheeled vehicles — not the bigger military vehicles like those in Paris on Bastille Day.
MS-13 is 'taking over the school,' a N.Y. teen warned before she was killed
For the past year, the Trump administration has waged a crackdown on MS-13. Nowhere has this effort been more intense than in Suffolk County, N.Y., where police say the gang has committed 27 murders since 2013. Educators at Brentwood High — and other schools across the country — struggle with a sobering question: What to do when the gang isn't just in your community, but in your classrooms?
'It's killing the agency': Ugly power struggle paralyzes Trump's plan to fix veterans' care
Overhauling Veterans Affairs was among the president's campaign promises. A standoff between Secretary David Shulkin and his senior staff threatens to derail that.
Japanese towns struggle to deal with an influx of new arrivals: Wild boars
Across the country, wild boars are moving in as Japan's rapidly aging population either moves out or dies out. The boars come for the untended rice paddies and stay for the abandoned shelters.
WorldViews | Analysis
Europe is using peanut butter to send a message to Trump
That message is: Peanut butter is gross. But tariffs are worse.
The Fix | Analysis
Amid stories about Trump's alleged past sexual activity, administration focuses on abstinence-only education
Despite the interest in teens' sex lives from some affiliated with socially conservative groups, others from those same organizations appear to have little concern about the sex life of the president they support.

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